
Flett REC Manager

A Full Service Solar Asset Management Portfolio

Sign Up. Accept Payment... Simple.

Fee: Full Fee Schedule

Do It Yourself

Create your own account on GATS and transfer us your SRECS.

We'll take it from there!

NJ systems installed after 2020 should sign up for REC manager

Fee: $ 2.50/SREC

Flett SREC Manager for former: PSE&G Solar Loan Program,

JCP&L, Atlantic City Electric and Rockland Electric 10 year SREC Contract Awardees

Have you completed your PSE&G Solar Loan Program or come to the end of your 10 year fixed rate contract from JCP&L,
Atlantic City Electric, or Rockland Electric? Sign up for Flett Exchange and you will receive 5 more years of SRECS. Payment is made each month.

Apply here and seamlessly transition to our Managed SREC service.

(Apply for a do-it-yourself account if you want to manage your own GATS account and sell at your discretion.)

Fee: $6.50 / SREC