Atlantic County Utilities Authority, New Jersey SREC Public-Auction Results

April 20, 2011 – Flett Exchange is pleased to announce the results of the Atlantic County Utilities Authority (ACUA), New Jersey Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC) public-auction. 101 New Jersey 2011 SRECs were sold at a clearing price of $655.00. The sale was conducted on Flett Exchange’s online, transparent environmental exchange under its “Public-Auction SREC Market” and total market proceeds equaled $66,155.00. Qualified buyers and the public could participate and/or observe the bidding in real time by logging in to Flett Exchange.
     The $655.00 clearing price is 97% of the $675 Solar Alternative Compliance Payment (SACP). The SACP is the payment electric producers have to pay to the State of New Jersey if they do not produce a specified amount of electricity using solar energy or through the purchase of SRECs from facilities located in New Jersey. This activity supports solar development in New Jersey and SREC revenue goes to entities that take risk in developing solar facilities.
More on Flett Exchange: 
     Flett Exchange is a leading environmental exchange and brokerage firm. Our online trading platform brings transparency, price discovery, and liquidity to Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs). Over 2,500 active clients utilize Flett Exchange to negotiate the price, quantity, and details of SRECs in a secure and seamless online trading platform. Upon each SREC transaction Flett Exchange remits immediate payment to our sellers (it’s simple sell a SREC and receive a check!) Flett Exchange operates SREC markets in NJ, PA, DE, MD, OH, CT, MA, and DC and supported by trained solar professionals with specialized knowledge and proven experience.
     Flett Exchange brokers bilateral long-term SREC contracts between qualified counterparties. Flett Exchange buyers and sellers can secure price, quantity, and terms of SREC contracts 1-7 years in duration. Our stringent vetting process ensures that quality solar projects are presented to the market in a skillful manner. Buyers and sellers utilize Flett Exchange for long-term SREC contracts gain direct access to large pools of SRECs, while mitigating risk and locking-in profits. Please visit to learn more about our services.

New JerseyPress ReleasesPublic Auctions