Beware of long term SREC contracts!

There have been reports of SREC buyers trying to lock in sellers into the 2009 SREC vintage at prices that do not take into account the rise in the SCAP. The SCAP rises from $300 per SREC for the 2008 vintage to $711 for the 2009 SREC vintages. The typical deal is when a buyer buys the balance of a sellers 2008 SRECs and offers to buy the 2009 SRECs in the high $200s area. This may sound like a good deal to a seller who has never sold SRECS in the high $200 level before. If you have one of these contracts let us know what the buyer told you so that others don’t get taken advantage of.

Estimates are in the high $400 area to low $500 area for $2009 SRECS. Of course this is all speculation until the 2009 SRECS are issued and they start to trade! Prices can go anywhere. Look to Flett Exchange to see where SRECS are REALLY traded.