New Jersey Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs) Trade $671.00 on Flett Exchange

New Jersey Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (SRECs) Trade $671.00 on Flett Exchange. SRECs traded at an all time high of $671 on January 21, 2009 on the Flett Exchange trading platform. An expected shortage of SRECs for the 2009 energy year has LSE’s racing to buy SRECs below the $711 compliance payment.

Solar producers who would like to sell their SRECs can sign up for an account at . Over 425 individuals and corporations who have solar panels in
New Jersey conveniently sell their SRECs on Flett Exchange. Our Micro Exchange is based on absolute transparency. We assist and educate our customers in how to convert their SRECs to cash. All Flett Exchange account holders can view all bids, offers and past sales along with placing buy or sell orders. Users have direct access to our internet-based markets 24 hours/7 days/365 days a year. This flexibility allows users to participate in our SREC market at their leisure. Sellers’ checks are mailed out on the same day as the sale of the SRECs.

Flett Exchange SREC brokers are available at (201) 209-0234 weekdays to assist clients.

New JerseyPress ReleasesSREC