New Jersey Solar Renewable Energy Market Update (AUGUST)

Flett Exchange experienced renewed interest in the Vintage Year 2008 SREC market as compliance buyers increased their bids from $255.00 to $265.00 per SREC. Orders this late in the True up Period signify Utilities willingness to continue buying. However, this should not be taken for granted as there is no telling when they will suspend their bids and eliminate demand. For these reasons Generators are strongly encouraged to enter the market with any remaining 2008 SRECs as this is the highest level Flett Exchange has seen for 2008 SRECs.

The 2009 SREC market has also experienced new activity from the buy side as Flett Exchange received a 2009 bid at the $420.00 level on its trading platform. This order officially establishes a floor for the market as trades now only have one direction to go, up. This level is a 65% premium to the current 2008 price level. However, it remains well below the 2009 Solar Alternative Compliance Payment of $711.00. Generators looking to yield some cash flow from their current 2009s should consider entering the market at this level. Otherwise look to the future as more selling opportunities present themselves.

If interested in setting up a free trading account fill out the “Apply for an Account” feature at Additionally you can call 201 209 9423 to speak with market specialist ready to assist anyone with questions or concerns regarding the NJ SREC Market.