New Jersey SRECs trade at a record $600 on Flett Exchange!

NJ SRECs traded at $600 today on Flett Exchange. This is the highest recorded price to this date for SRECs in New Jersey. The current market is $560 bid, $625 offer.

The cap for the SRECs for the 2009 energy year is $711.

Buyers and sellers of New Jersey SRECs can access the Flett Exchange market via the internet 24x7x365. There are over 400 registered users who have bought or sold SRECs on Flett Exchange with over 50 new customers registering every month. The Flett Exchange SREC market has had a continuous market for SRECs for the past year and a half. Sellers can observe where others are selling SRECs, place and move their order at will. If you sell your SRECs the check is sent out the same day as the seller transfers the SRECs into escrow on the NJCEP website.

 Sellers can also use our brokers Monday through Friday 7am to 5pm or email their order at any other time. (201) 209-0234 or email

New JerseyPress ReleasesSREC