SREC transition to GATS

New Jersey solar REC (SREC) generators will have to prepare for the transition to the GATS system from the current Clean Power Markets tracking system. All SREC generators will be transitioned to GATS this spring to summer. The GATS (generation attributes tracking system) system is the platform used by power producers in the PJM (Pennsylvania, Jersey, Maryland) to track RECs and use them to comply with regulation. SREC producers will now have to sell their SRECs and then log into the GATS system to transfer them.
As like any other changes there will be confusion and resistance. SREC generators will just have to take some time to learn the system and in the end it will be just as easy as the CPM system; hopefully. The NJ Office of Clean Energy is currently finalizing all of the details and has started to transition over. There are training sessions for all. We suggest to reading up and get acquainted with the transition now. Schedule a training session.
As with any other change you need to be prepared. The risk we see with most of our customers is that they do not prepare and will be hard pressed at the end. Don’t put yourself in a position where you don’t know how to use the system and you have SRECs that you want to sell if the market is coming off.

Flett Exchange will monitor the transition and will be at our customer’s sides to help them.