What is the value of a 2009 vintage SREC?

There will be big changes this year in the NJ SREC market. The cap SCAP is going to rise for the first time since the inception of the market. The cap goes from $300/SREC to $711/SREC for 2009 vintage SRECS. Our estimate of 2009 vintage SRECs are in the high $400 to low $500 range.

At Flett Exchange we look forward to the changes as we feel that our open market structure will help buyers and sellers establish a trading price. If the SREC market on Flett Exchange increases in volume our price data may help the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) manage the SREC program more effectively. The target price range of SRECs is more crucial now than it has ever been since the phase out of the CORE rebate program and the increased dependence of the SREC value to pay for the solar infrastructure.

Leave a comment below on your opinion of where 2009 SRECS will be trading. This summer you can put your money where your mouth is and trade on Flett Exchange when we launch the 2009 vintage SRECs!

New Jersey